• 5 June 2018, Tuesday
  • Moscow, Congress hall of Crocus Expo IEC (Pavilion 3, 4 floor), Moscow.

Construction equipment industry in transformation: drivers of success - Forum on bauma CTT RUSSIA 2018

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Другие события организатора

ООО "Мессе Мюнхен Рус"
2150 дней назад
5 June 2018 c 12:30 до 18:00
Congress hall of Crocus Expo IEC (Pavilion 3, 4 floor), Moscow.

On June 5 the forum Construction equipment industry in transformation: drivers of success in the frame of exhibition will be held, organized by bauma CTT RUSSIA with the support of Association of European Businesses (AEB).

Main topics:

The strategy of construction equipment market development: government and industry outlook,

Innovations in construction equipment

Key industry players will discuss the development strategy of the special and construction equipment market. Governmental representatives will tell about the existing and upcoming measures to support the industry, the potential of high-tech exports and promising areas of innovative solutions.



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